That it took so long
To see myself in the mirror.
To know not just the mask,
Nor the wearer,
But both sides at once.

That it was so hard,
To know my brother
As my own,
My mother as my hand,
Like the earth my feet,
Your lungs, my breath.

It takes such pain
To see our armour is what cuts,
And without it
We may fly.

We are afraid
That without its weight
We are lost into the wind.
But the breeze is the beloved,
It calls us to release
Only false names – outlines –
Drawn in the white field of peace.

Let love erase them.
Death is the only safe place.
Like the crash to the wave,
The silence from which sound returns,
And returns.

It took so long
To see the only thing
There is. 



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